As previously mentioned, all Calpendo Booking Rules specify which booking changes they apply to. Beyond that, the different types of Booking Rule vary in their complexity. At one end of the scale is the Simple Booking Rule, which always rejects or warns about a booking, with its real logic being restricted to the selection of the bookings it applies to. At the other end of the scale is the Advanced Booking Rule which requires a programmer to configure, but allows full access to the Calpendo database and beyond.
In between the two extremes, there are Booking Rules that specialise in particular areas. It is expected that more specialist Booking Rule Types will be developed over time. In many cases, these new Booking Rule Types are likely to start life as an Advanced Booking Rule. The following sections describe each of the different types of Booking Rule.
Types of Booking Rule
➢Simple Booking Rule is the most basic type of Booking Rule, having no intelligence apart from the ability to choose which bookings it applies to. ➢Double Booking Rule is used to prevent double bookings or to ensure that there is a booking for one resource before being allowed to book another. ➢Booking Duration Rule is used to set up minimum and maximum durations for any bookings. ➢Holiday Booking Rule runs checks that apply on particular dates, typically when somebody is on holiday or when a resource is being serviced. ➢Interval Rule specifies the minimum time between certain bookings ➢Number Of Bookings Rule sets a maximum number of bookings allowed. ➢Predefined Slots Rule sets up whether predefined slots are to be used and the options available. ➢Total Time Booked Rule limits the amount of time somebody can book in a given period of time. For example, to restrict bookings to 6 hours in any 7 day period for each project. ➢Advanced Rule is the means by which Calpendo can do almost anything in its Rules. It requires a programmer to create an Advanced Rule, but it allows full access to the Calpendo database. |