Exprodo SDM Configuration Guide

Exprodo SDM was designed from the very beginning to be flexible, so that it could meet the requirements of many different types of facilities. It's targeted at people who have shared data that needs to be viewed and updated through a web interface.


The Exprodo SDM Configuration Guide describes how to change Exprodo SDM so that it works the way you want it to. This does not normally need to be read by non-administrators, nor by anybody who only needs to do the day-to-day administration. This guide should be read in conjunction with the Exprodo SDM User Guide


tipbulbExprodo SDM Configuration Guide

Sequence Editor describes how to set up tasks and sequences of tasks to be applied to a subject.

Layout Editor describes how the properties in your Biskit Types will be laid out. This is used when there are a large amount of properties that need to be organised for easier user viewing.

Processes allows the user to create multi-step editing of Biskits where each step is a page with Next and Previous buttons.

Types and Groups describes how Types and Groups work.

Configuring Types And Groups describes how to change the types and groups in Exprodo SDM.

Permissions describes the Permissions system within Exprodo SDM and how it can be configured to meet the users needs.

Workflows describes what Workflows are, how they are used and how to configure them.

Menu Editor describes how the menus within Exprodo SDM can be changed.

User Authentication Methods describes how to set up different types of single sign on methods.

Global Preferences shows what global settings there are for Exprodo SDMand what they do.

Bakery describes how to create the Biskit Types and properties required to store your data.

Backing Up The Database explains how to create a complete or partial backup of the database.