Global Preferences
➢Appearance controls the look and feel of Calpendo. ➢Booking Reminders allows the specification of default settings that new users will use for booking reminders. ➢Bookings controls the default booking status, background colours on the bookings calendar, tool tips on the background of the bookings calendar and the way bookings are split into columns. ➢Buttons, controls which buttons appear when viewing Biskits. ➢Date And Time specifies date and time formats to be used. ➢Email controls whether Calpendo is allowed to send email, and specifies the gateway and other email related settings. ➢General is a place for settings that don't fall into any other group. ➢Licence allows entry of the licence key and shows who your Calpendo is licensed to and with with what limitations. ➢Menus allows selection of the menus that should be used for new users. ➢Network Metrics allows control of the network metrics that should be gathered. ➢Projects specifies the template project and whether to render projects using tabs or all on one page. ➢Resource Usage allows setting of defaults for the Resource Usage Calendar. ➢Booking Rules specifies how to apply Booking Rules. ➢Security controls security-related settings. ➢System Usage specifies whether to record usage statistics and the time resolution to use. ➢Time Templates specifies how to apply Time Templates. ➢Users specifies user-related settings such as session time out length and minimum password length. |