There are a number of Workflow Actions available with Workflows.




Biskit Create

Creates a new Biskit from a Biskit Def.

Biskit Delete

Deletes a Biskit.

Biskit Update

Updates a number of properties on a Biskit.

Create Variables

Creates temporary variables for storage whilst the Workflow runs.


Creates a delay before continue with the next Action.


Returns the differences between two Biskits.


Sends an email.

Evaluate Expression

Allows the user to create an expression to be evaluated. Removes the need to have multiple Actions when doing calculations.

Execute System Command

Allows the user to execute a system command direct form the operating system.

Find Text

Looks for regular expressions in a text string and returns all the requested number of times that it occurs. Or look for a text string and replace first or all versions of that string with a different string.

For Each

Pulls information from a list or set to run the following Actions on. Equivalent to a programming For loop.


Acts on a piece of information in a specific way returning the answer.

List Extract

Extracts a property from each Biskit in a list, and returns a list of those properties.

Network Message

Create an network message.


Does a search of the database and returns the result as a list.


Does nothing, use as a holder, useful if building the equivalent of a programming Case statement.


Sorts a list into a different order.

Templated Text

Create text to be used in another action.

Type Cast

Checks whether a Biskit has a particular subtype, and it only runs the child Actions if the Biskit does have that subtype. The child Actions can then treat the Biskit as having that subtype, which means there is access to all the properties that exist on the subtype.


Stops the Workflow and writes a message.


Most Workflow Action types then have four tabs which are similar to the Event tabs, Action, Conditions, Control, Comments.





Define how the action will function.


Define here the Conditions required for this Action to be triggered.


Define any controls for this action.


An area to write any comments about the action and what it is doing.


Shows details about the data output from the event/action that later actions can use.


Lists what this action/event references and what references this action/event.


Click to expand


Action Tab


Trigger Type

The type of the Workflow Action.


The user defined name for this action.


The ID number for this action.

Action Specific Information

Defined by the type of Action. For full details for each type see the different Action sections below.




Control Tab



Whether this Action will run. Disabled Actions will be displayed in red.

Children To Run

Whether to run only the first valid child Workflow Action or all of the valid child Workflow Actions. The order to check for a valid child Workflow Actions is determined by the Sort Order of the Actions.

Record System Events

Choose whether to record system events created by this Action and its children.

Sort Order

This determines in which order the Workflow Actions are run where an Event or Action has multiple children. The higher the Sort Order the later the child is run.

Completion Action

What to do when the action completes. Either Continue, Last Child or Stop.

On Error

What to do if an error occurs, Abort or Continue. Useful if parsing dates or strings, and the Workflow needs to continue even if in the wrong format.

Last Ran

When this Workflow Action was last run.


Defines the Permissions this Action will run with. These can be applied by User Role or User Type.


Action Tab

When accessing the Action Tab, at least one of the options available will be switch-able from Fixed to Variable.


Fixed allows the user to specify a particular item is to be used, if that item could be a Biskit then the user may be asked to input the Biskit Def, and then provide the individual Biskit to be used.



Variable allows the user to pick an object that is output from one of the previous Actions or the Event from which these Actions stem or the Meta-Properties available.



The Meta-Property option allows access to data from the Work Flow as a whole. Certain Events will not have data available for all Meta-Properties, for example Timed Event will only have values in the date Meta-Property.





The dataType the Work Flow is running under if running under a data type.


The date/time the workflow was run.


The sessionID of the current user's sessions, if running under a user's session.


The current user information if one is available.




tipbulbWorkflow Actions

Biskit Create Workflow Action

Biskit Delete Workflow Action

Biskit Update Workflow Action

Create Variables Workflow Action

Delay Workflow Action

Diff Workflow Action

Email Workflow Action

Evaluate Expression Workflow Action

Execute System Command Workflow Action

Find Text Action

For Each Workflow Action

Function Workflow Action

List Extract Workflow Action

Network Message Workflow Action

Search Workflow Action

Simple Workflow Action

Sort Workflow Action

Templated Text Workflow Action

Type Cast Workflow Action

Veto Workflow Action