Exprodo DB Configuration Guide
➢User Administration describes the properties of a user, how to approve new users, how to modify users, their group membership, their settings and how to search for users by type, status or roles. ➢Types and Groups describes how Types and Groups work. ➢Configuring Types And Groups describes how to change the types and groups in Exprodo DB. ➢Permissions describes the Permissions system within Exprodo DB and how it can be configured to meet the users needs. ➢Workflows describes what Workflows are, how they are used and how to configure them. ➢Menu Editor describes how the menus within Exprodo DB can be changed. ➢User Authentication Methods describes how to set up different types of single sign on methods. ➢Global Preferences shows what global settings there are for Exprodo DBand what they do. ➢Layout Editor describes how the properties in your Biskit Types will be laid out. This is used when there are a large amount of properties that need to be organised for easier user viewing. ➢Processes allows the user to create multi-step editing of Biskits where each step is a page with Next and Previous buttons. ➢Bakery describes how to create the Biskit Types and properties required to store your data. ➢Backing Up The Database explains how to create a complete or partial backup of the database. |