Function |
Description |
add |
Takes two lists of Biskits and returns the combined list and the size of that list. |
add |
Add an item to a list of the same type of item. |
addUserToProject |
Adds a user to a Project. |
contains |
Check whether a list contains a particular element. |
copy |
Copies a list of Biskits to another list. |
createList |
Creates a list of the appropriate type. |
createNumericSequence |
Generates a list of numeric values using values from a linear sequence, which may optionally repeat. |
exclusiveUnion |
Takes two lists of Biskits and returns the list of Biskits only found in one of lists, and the size of that list. |
first |
Takes a list of objects and returns the first one. |
get |
Returns the requested object from the list of objects. 0 is the index to the first object in the list. |
intersect |
Takes two lists of Biskits and returns the list of Biskits found in both lists, and the size of that list. |
last |
Takes a list of objects and returns the last one. |
max |
Returns the maximum value in a list. |
min |
Returns the miuimum value in a list. |
randomListOrder |
Produces a new list in a random order. |
remove |
Removes an item from a list |
removeDuplicates |
Takes a list of Biskits and returns a Set with any duplicates removed. |
removeUserFromProject |
Removes a user from the given Project. |
reverseListOrder |
Reverses the order of the items in a List or Set. |
size |
Returns the size of the input list. |
subtract |
Returns a list of Biskits holding those Biskits in the first input list that are not in the second input list. |
subList |
Returns a list that is a sub list of the original. 0 is the index to the first object in the list. |
sum |
Returns the sum of the values of a particular property on the Biskits stored in the list. |
union |
Takes two lists and returns the combined list with duplicates removed. |
Takes the two input lists of Biskits and adds them together including duplicates. Returns the combined list and the size of that list.
Takes a List of a particular type and an item of that type and adds the item to the List. Returns the new List.
Takes the as input a the User and the Project. Returns True if the User was added to the Project.
Takes the as input a list of Biskits and a biskit the same type as the list and returns True if the Biskit is in the list.
Takes an input list of Biskits and copies it to the destination list. Nothing is returned.
Creates a list of the appropriate type. For a list of Biskits the type of Biskit must be input. Returned is the new empty list.
Takes as input the Initial Value of the sequence, the increment, the repeat size and the total size of the list to be created. These can be Integers, Doubles or Longs. Returns the completed list.
For example, by specifing initialValue = 6, increment = 2, repeatSize = 0, totalSize = 10, the output will be a list containing [6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24].
If the last example is modified by setting repeatSize = 3, then the output will be a list containing [6, 8, 10, 6, 8, 10, 6, 8, 10, 6].
If the last example is modified again by setting repeatSize = 1, then the output will be a list containing [6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6].
Takes the two input lists of Biskits and finds all those that are only in one of the lists. Returns the list of unique Biskits and the size of that list.
Takes as input a list of objects. Returns the first object in the list, which is at index 0.
Takes as input a list of objects and the position in the list of the object to be returned, indexing starts at 0. Returns the object.
Takes the two input lists of Biskits and finds all those that are in both lists. Returns the list of intersecting Biskits and the size of that list.
Takes as input a list of objects. Returns the last object in the list.
Takes as input a list of objects. Returns the maximum value in the list or Null.
Takes as input a list of objects. Returns the minimum value in the list or Null.
Takes as input the list to be randomized. The input can be Set or a List. There are options to deal with many different data types. Returns the created the list in a random order.
Removes an item form a list, leaving the original list unchanged. Returns a list with just the item in it.
Takes as input a List of items. Returns a List with any duplicate items removed.
Takes as input a the User and the Project. Returns True if the User is removed from the Project.
Takes as input a List or Set. Returns the reversed List. Sets will be converted to a List.
Takes as input a list of items. Returns the size of the list.
Takes the two input lists of Biskits and subtracts the second list from the first one. Returns a list of those Biskits in the first list not found in the second list and the size of the new list.
Takes as input a list of Biskits, fromIndex (where the list should start) and optionally toIndex (where the list should finish). Returns a list of those Biskits in the list from fromIndex inclusive to toIndex exclusive. If fromIndex is 0 it starts at the beginning of the list, if toIndex is not present then it goes to the end of the list. If fromIndex equals toIndex then null is returned. 0 is the index to the first object in the list.
Takes as input a list of Biskits and the name of the property whose values are to be added up or a list of Doubles. Returns the sum of the values of the property or the list items as a Double. This will work on both Double and Integer value properties and lists.
Takes the two input lists of Biskits and adds them together removing any duplicates. Returns the new list and the size of the list.