Exprodo SDM (Study Data Management) is designed to manage research study data by allowing the user to set up a case report form (CRF) database with an integrated scheduler. This means that it is straight-forward to set up complicated longitudinal studies while Exprodo SDM keeps track of what needs doing for which subject and when.
This documentation was written for version 8.3.0 of Exprodo SDM and was last changed on August 28, 2021.
➢Exprodo SDM User Guide describes how to create and edit events, how to use the Subject Editor and how to search for information. ➢Exprodo SDM Administration Guide describes the day-to-day administration that you may need to do (depending on how your Exprodo SDM is configured) such as approving new users. ➢Exprodo SDM Quick Start Configuration Guide describes how an administrator can quickly set up a working Exprodo SDM from a newly installed system. ➢Exprodo SDM Configuration Guide describes how to create and organise the Biskits and properties required for the data, how to create sequences and how to set up Permissions, Automatic Emails and other configurable options. ➢Exprodo SDM Installation Guide describes how to install Exprodo SDM for those that are not using Exprodo SDM as a service hosted on exprodo.com |
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