An example of adding a properties to a Biskit created by a user to record when a Biskit was created, updated and store which version is currently in use.


1.Go to Admin->Bakery,

2.Click the + next to Biskit Def to open the Biskit Tree

3.Select the user created Biskit to add properties to

4.Press the Edit button to get the Biskit into edit mode

5.Press the Add New button to add a new property. First create a property called for example Created.
Click to expand

6.Update the meta properties of the property.

a)Change Type to DateTime.

b)Give the property a name, in this case Created.

c)Change Automated Property Type to Create & Update.

7.Do the same again to create a property for example called Updated.

8.And again to create a property for example called Version, this time make it of Type Int.


Click to expand


9.Set up the meta-property information

a)Set Version Property meta-property to Version.

b)Set Created Property meta-property to Created

c)Set Updated Property meta-property to Updated

10.Press the Save button.

11.If there are no errors then update the database:

a)Press Update DB Schema to implement changes in the DB,a pop up will appear defining the database changes to be implemented.

12.Press the Apply Changes button to update the database. There will be a response saying how many rows affected. Press OK to finish.

a)Press Validate Biskits button to check the database Biskits.

b)Press Reload Database Configuration, to load the new database into Exprodo DB

c)Refresh the browser